ILD Highlighted Projects

Trails at Marsh Creek
101 Lot Subdivision - For Brandolini Companies & Keystone Custom Homes
Professional Engineering and Survey Services related to the preparation of a Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development plan for a proposed 101 Lot residential subdivision on approximately 193.5 acres of property located between Fairview Road and Devereux Road in Wallace Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
- Field Survey, Boundary
​- ALTA Survey
- Sketch Plans
- Land Development Plans / Approval
- Post Construction Stormwater Management Plans
- Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plans
- NPDES Permit
- PennDOT Plans
- Wetlands Crossing, Joint Permit
- Sewer Planning
- Landscaping Design

Concordville Subaru
NEW Subaru Dealership for Concordville Subaru along Route 202. The project proposes to construct a 30,000 +/- SF dealership on the property including access driveways, parking areas, lighting, landscaping and stormwater management facilities. The property is located in both Chadds Ford Township and Concord Township and Land Development approval will be required for both Townships. The portion of the property located in Chadds Ford Township is zoned PBC – Planned Business Center and the portion of the property located in Concord Township is zoned C2 – Commercial.
- Field Survey
- Land Developement plans / Approval
- Sewer Planning
- Stormwater Design, Approval
- Parking Lot layout & Design
- Traffic Exhibits

Sawmill Court
20 Twin units for Megill HomesThe subject property is a 6.18 acre parcel located at 914-924 South Concord Road Westtown Township, Chester County. Land Development plan for 20 Townhomes on a loop road.
- Field Survey
- Land Development plans / Approval
- Sewer Planning
- Stormwater Design, Approval
- Traffic Exhibits

The Preserve at Horseshoe Meadows
Develop the property into 7 lots for M.A.Z. Construction. Utilizing the Cluster Design Option as provided in Section 399-31 of the East Brandywine Township Zoning Ordinance. In addition to proposed 7 lots, there is an open space area. The project is serviced with on-site water and on-site sewer. All stormwater is controlled on site.
- Survey
- Sketch Plans
- Land Development Plans / Approval
- Post Construction Stormwater Management Plans
- Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plans
- NPDES Permit
- PennDOT Plans
- Sewer Planning
- Landscaping Design